Saturday, August 31, 2019

Behavior Plan Template Essay

Behavior Plan Template Use this template to create behavioral plans for assignments in Weeks Two and Three. Fill in each section and provide additional information as needed. Client Identifying Information List all pertinent and known identifying information.History Describe all pertinent and known history. MedicalOnur has urges to steal and gets a thrill from stealing.FamilyOnur stole items and cash from his parents and grandparents. Onur was reported as a runaway three times. There is no psychiatric history or any suicidal or homicidal behavior in the family background.Substance AbuseAt a young age Onur started substance abuse. He haas been charged with under-aged drinking.Developmental and SocialAt age of 15, he was charged with theft. Onur has been involved in crime for many years.He has a unique ability to be very convincing and brags about being able to get aways with anything. He does not show any remorse for stealing more than 3 million dollars.Course of Treatment List two ta rget behaviors and two interventions. Addiction/ KleptomaniaAntisocial PersonalityFrequency and Duration of Target Behaviors10 years of stealing At a young age up until age od 25Severity and Number of RelapsesMultiple times of relapseMultiple times of relapseInterventionsSelp-help groups/ Aversion Therapy Practice techniques such as holding his breath until he becomes uncomfortable so the urge of stealing goes away.Teach new vocational and relationship skills Role-plays in group to demonstate passive, aggressive, and assertive behavior for new group members. Goals and Objectives List two long-term goals, two short-term goals, and one objective to work towards each goal.Long-Term GoalMaintain honesty in the community/ Will remain free of destructive behavior to self and others.Short-Term GoalAttend 12-step sessions to the therapy program /Accept Responsibility for Recovery and implement at least two new coping techniques whenever he has feelings of impulsive behavior ObjectivesDevelop self-control,accept limits, and learn s to trust others. Will determine the most beneficial strategies and substitute them for maladaptive ones. Discharge and Termination Plans Describe the discharge and termination plan for the client.Discharge PlanDemonstrates alternative ways of handling situations and urges of stealing.Termination PlanOnur has demonstated progress toward this goals by using alternate behaviors to use self-control  during situatuions that get out of hand. If the client fails to control his urges to steal and continue to have an antisocial behavior he will have to continue treatment in prison. References Jones-Smith, E. (2012) Chapter 6 Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy Reality / Choice Therapy, 1e.ISBN 9781412910040 Thousand Oaks, CA Sage Publications, Inc.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Understanding Aerospace: How To Fly An Aircraft

1. The complicated task of piloting an aircraft can be broken into two broad categories. The first is keeping the aircraft flying. The second is arriving at a given destination. The second is always being effected by the first. Unlike a car, small deviation in course can over great distances cause the aircraft to arrive hundreds of miles from the target destination. To successfully accomplish the task, safe arrival, the larger tasks can be sub-divided into three categories. The first is the Procedural Tasks. These are the maintenance task that must be accomplished every time in a certain way at a certain time, i.e. take off and landing checklists. The next is Decision and Judgement Tasks. Problem solving is another way to look at it. The crew will react based on past experience to a given situation. The last is Communications and Resource Management. This is how the crew communicates with each other while problem solving, either poorly or well. 2. The pilot uses visual cues such as rate of flow of texture outward from or convergence of parallel linear features to visually fly the aircraft. Estimates of speed are derived from global optic flow (GOL). This is the rate that texture flows over the optical area. This can be effected by elevation, at higher elevations underestimation of true speed will occur. Approach path distortions occur when there is a slope before the landing strip or other visual features such as dwarfed trees. The human eye is not designed for conditions found in flight. Planes that are a collision course have no apparent movement to them. This takes the natural attraction to movement out of play. Because of the lack of visual stimulation the eye will focus only a few meters in front, so distant objects are unfocused. The scanning of instruments provides a source of input that allows the pilot to visualize the position of aircraft in flight. The novice pilot will scan all the instruments in a given pattern. While the experienced pilot will look at all the instrument that will give them feedback on the action that occurred. Of the main instrument the most useful is the attitude direction indicator (ADI). This is the instrument most referred and the one that most novice pilot will get fixated with. It is also the only one that resembles an aircraft and provides information in a format other than an analog circular dial. 3. Situational awareness is the ability to keep track of your surroundings and what they mean. Then predict how any change in them will effect your actions. This is measured the best, according to the author, by adding a task that can be performed well only when surrounding events are well know. The types of displays that best support awareness of position is best conveyed via 3-D. Speed of the aircraft is interpreted with a higher degree of accuracy in 2-D displays. Heads up displays (HUD) have been used for some time to give pilots information in away that allowed them to keep their attention outside of the cockpit. The thought is naturally to add more information to this already useful instrument. This would most likely result in the loss of information due to cluttering. Some information is lost in the HUD because of overlap with dominant terrain features. This might be avoided using a heads down display (HDD) type. They both have advantages and disadvantages. These may both be used to some extent with types of automation. The pilot may end up monitoring the flight only being called on when there is a problem. This results in the pilot being dissociated from the situation that they are to solve. Thus loosing time needed to solve the crisis trying to reorient themselves. A better way may be to use automation to provide information pertaining to the situation, i.e. filtering information.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

IntroductionThroughout history, our conceptualization of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) has been changing alongside changes in the way we have viewed the world. With the dawning of the Renaissance in Western Europe, religious explanations based on demonic possession were superseded by a more humanistic understanding. By the early seventeenth century, the obsessions that drove Shakespeare's Lady Macbeth to suicide were recognized to be a product of her guilty mind, for which there was no medical cure.Obsessions and compulsions were first described in the medical literature of the early nineteenth century. They were viewed as an unusual expression of melancholia. By the beginning of the twentieth century, with the development of psychoanalysis, the focus shifted onto psychological explanations based on unconscious conflicts, but this did not provide a useful strategy for treatment. The subsequent application of learning theory to OCD led to the development of effective behavioural treatments in the 1960s and 1970s.Compared with the pace of these historical developments, modern understanding of OCD has expanded with dramatic speed. The development of effective medical treatments of OCD has revolutionized the outlook for sufferers and propelled OCD to the forefront of scientific attention. With the growth of research into the epidemiology, psychopharmacology, neurobiology, neuropsychology and genetics of OCD, reviewed throughout this publication, the emphasis has once again swung back toward a medical model. As we enter the twenty-first century, we now recognize OCD as a common, treatable form of major mental disorder.After the pioneering epidemiological catchment area (ECA) studies carried out by the National Institute of Mental Health in the early 1980s reported that the prevalence of OCD was substantially higher than expected, (Robins, Holzer, & Weissman, 1984) repeated population studies using similar methods have demonstrated a lifetime prevalence of 2-3% worldwide (Weissman, Bland & Canino, 1994).   Taiwan and India were the only exceptions, with rates below 1%. If these estimates are accurate, then OCD affects more than 50 million people in the world today. The prevalence does not appear to be influenced by socioeconomic status, educational achievement, or ethnicity. The disorder is more common than schizophrenia, and about half as common as depression. Yet the illness remains largely under-recognized, and the psychosocial and economic costs to society from untreated OCD are high (Hollander, & Wong, 1998).   It is not surprising that the World Health Organization has now recognized OCD as a public health priority.While there is little doubt that the ‘hidden epidemic' of OCD exists, the actual prevalence of clinically relevant disorder has been called into question. In the ECA studies lay interviewers were trained to make DSM-III diagnoses using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS). However, clinical reappraisal of DIS -positive cases resulted in less than 25% continuing to meet the criteria for OCD (Nelson & Rice, 1997).One explanation is that the rates of illness reported in the original ECA studies may have been exaggerated. Alternatively, the findings may reflect variability in the severity of the disorder over time.Obsessive compulsive disorder is more common in women, although the differences are not as obvious as in depression or other anxiety disorders. An average female to male ratio of 1.5:1.0 is accepted for the community at large, although the ratio appears roughly equal in the adolescent population, reflecting perhaps the earlier onset in boys. In particularly in males, having obsessions and compulsions or magical thinking, poor social adjustment, and an early chronic course, predicted a worse outcome.A more recent 5-year prospective follow-up study of 100 OCD patients showed that in spite of the introduction of modern treatments, outcomes were similar to Skoog and Skoog's cohort, wit h only 20% reaching full remission of their OCD, 50% showing partial remission, and the remainder unchanged or worse over 5 years. Less severe illness and being married were associated with a better outcome (Steketee Eisen & Dyck, 1999).Most patients suffer a mixture of different obsessions or compulsions. Surveys have consistently identified contamination fears as the most common obsession, with concern about harm to others, pathological doubt, somatic obsessions and the need for symmetry also occurring frequently. Half of all OCD patients admitted for treatment suffer compulsions in the realm of repetitive checking or excessive cleaning and washing. 20 Key themes have been identified that underlie most symptoms. These include abnormal risk assessment, pathological doubt and incompleteness.Patients with OCD usually retain full insight into the absurdity of their symptoms, although this is not always the case (Insel & Akiskal, 1986). The DSM-IV singles out patients with poor insight as a meaningful subgroup. These individuals have more complex symptomatology, which makes diagnosis more difficult, and tend to be more severely ill. They have only a limited sense of the excessiveness and irrationality of their thoughts and behaviours and are therefore difficult to engage in treatment. They may appear to be deluded (and hence receive inappropriate treatment) but longitudinal studies show they do not go on to develop schizophrenia-like illnesses. In a cohort of 475 patients with OCD, (6%) displayed lack of insight.Mild forms of obsessional behaviour, such as repetitive checking or superstitious behaviour commonly occur in everyday life. They only meet the criteria for OCD if they are time-consuming, or associated with impairment or distress.Recurrent, intrusive thoughts, impulses and images also occur in other mental disorders thought to share a relationship with OCD: for example, the preoccupation with bodily appearance, in body dysmorphic disorder; with a feared object, in specific phobia; with illness, in hypochondriasis; or with hair-pulling, in trichotillomania. A diagnosis of OCD should only be contrast; men predominate in surveys of OCD referrals, possibly reflecting a greater severity in males.Women during pregnancy and the puerperium are particularly at risk of developing the disorder. In a study by Neziroglu et al of 59 mothers with OCD, experienced their symptoms for the first time during pregnancy. In many cases, pre-existing obsessional tendencies are unmasked and exaggerated by the events surrounding childbirth.Obsessive compulsive disorder is considered to be one of the most strongly inherited mental disorders (Pauls, Alsobrook, & Goodman, 1995). Approximately one-fifth of nuclear family members of OCD sufferers show signs of OCD, and the younger the sufferer the more likely they are to have a first-degree relative affected. The clustering of OCD and Tourette's syndrome (TS) within families suggests a common inherited factor.Th e course of the illness can vary from a relatively benign form in which the patient experiences infrequent, discrete episodes of illness interspersed with symptom-free periods, to malignant OCD, characterized by unremitting symptoms and substantial social impairment.In a 40-year prospective follow-up study, reported by Skoog and Skoog, the authors managed to locate and examine 144 out of 251 OCD patients who had previously been admitted as inpatients under their care between 1947 and 1953. 1Given that effective treatments for OCD were not developed until the end of the study, much of the data is naturalistic. The authors found that roughly 60% showed signs of general improvement within 10 years of onset of illness, rising to 80% by the end of the study.However, only 20% achieved full remission even after nearly 50 years of illness; 60% continued to experience significant symptoms; 10% showed no improvement whatsoever; and another 10% had worsened. In 60% of cases the content of the obsessions shifted markedly over the follow-up period (Pauls, Alsobrook, & Goodman, 1995).One-fifth of those who had shown an early, sustained improvement subsequently relapsed, even after 20 years without symptoms, suggesting early recovery does not rule out the possibility of very late relapse. Intermittent, episodic disease was common during the early stage of illness, and predicted a more favourable outcome, whereas chronic illness predominated in the later years.Early age of onset, made if there are also unrelated obsessive-compulsive symptoms, in which case more than one diagnosis may be warranted. Activities such as preoccupation with eating, sex, shopping and gambling are not considered genuine compulsions because they are not egodystonic, and the individual usually only tries to resist because of the adverse consequences.Reference:Hollander E, Wong C, 1998). Psychosocial functions and economic costs of obsessive compulsive disorder, CNS Spectrums (3 (5) suppl. 1:48-58.Insel T, Akiskal H, 1986. Obsessive compulsive disorder with psychotic features: a phenomenological analysis, Am J Psychiatry 143:1527-33.Nelson E, Rice J, 1997. Stability of diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder in the Epidemiological Catchment Area Study. Am J Psychiatry 154:826-31.Pauls DL, Alsobrook JP, Goodman W et al, 1995). A family study of obsessive compulsive disorder, Am J Psychiatry 152 : 76-84.Robins LN, Holzer JE, Weissman MM et al, 1984 Lifetime prevalence of specific psychiatric disorders in three sites, Arch Gen Psychiatry (1984) 41 :949-58.Steketee G, Eisen J, Dyck I et al, (1999) Predictors of course in obsessive compulsive disorder, Psychiatr Res   89 (3):229-38.  Weissman MM, Bland RC, Canino GL et al, 1994. The cross national epidemiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder, J Clin Psychiatry 55 :5-10.

Week 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Week 3 - Essay Example ccessful undertaking while taking particular considerations to the current economic conditions and so as to develop contingency plans in that respect. In essence, it is a plan of thriving in the market. While there are different types of business plans, they all can serve either of the two purposes: internal and external (Schwetje & Vaseghi, 2007, p. 1). When a business plan has an internal function, it presents strategies and tactics which can be utilized to effectively manage the internal operations and other domestic affairs of the company. A business plan could also be structured for an external purpose when it presents feasible means of financing (e.g. bank loans, venture capital, strategic alliances) for the continuous operation of the business. The marketing plan is probably the meatiest feature that a business plan could have since it presents how the company’s products should be sold to the target market (even if the market is oligopolistic or in a form of perfect competition though except in a monopolistic structure) or in brief the influx of a real good cash that could support the business operations for a long term (Jaret, et al., 2010, p. 153). The marketing plan typically includes the current market situation, product positioning and/or promotional tactics (Jaret, et al., 2010, p. 154). Apparently it can be said that a product is not doing any good in the market at all either because of a poor marketing strategy or simply because it lacks value and features. However, sometimes a bad product can guise a good image through strategic marketing. A good marketing strategy permits the aspiring businessman to roughly know how to compete in market through a thorough market research. Without a marketing strategy, the business idea is a fail no matter how well established the company’s reputation is. For someone new in the market, everything will be much worse. The financial overview is also an important aspect in a business plan. Defining the financial

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Analyze the Sochi 2014 Olympics game,pairs figure skating,Russian Essay

Analyze the Sochi 2014 Olympics game,pairs figure skating,Russian player, - Essay Example The main goal of this team is to outscore its main opponents and emerge as clear winners. The fact that Russia is the hosts means that fans will come out in large numbers and support the team. The team has six members. One of them is Vera Bazarova. She is twenty-one years old and has already competed in a number of events despite her young age. She has competed at the Olympic winter games, world championships, European championships and the grand prix final. Vera loves reading, cooking and going out. She is still a student who started her sporting career in 1997. The main reason that made her to start this sport was to improve her poor health. Her main coach is Nina Mozer. Ksenia Stolbova is another team member. She is twenty-two years old and has already taken part in other championships, as well. She is a student who loves shopping and spending time with friends. She began the sport in 1997, as well. Maxim Trankov is another senior member who is thirty years old. He has lots of experience having competed in several competitions. He loves hip-hop music, using computers and reading. He studied at the Moscow State University. He is fluent in English and Russian. In 2011, h e injured his shoulder while in training. Additionally, he suffered from swelling in his right arm at the 2008 world championships. Fedor Klimov is another member of the team. He is twenty-three years old and has taken part in various competitions as well. He loves football, watching television and relaxing. In 2013, he missed some two and half months of action due to injury. The coach for the team is Nina Mozer. She was born in 1964. The team is mainly characterized by both experience and athleticism. The youngest member is aged 21 while the oldest ages 30. The older members have taken part in other events, in the past. The organization of the team is even, and external influences

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How important is the media in setting gender roles Essay

How important is the media in setting gender roles - Essay Example The children, youngsters and people at large are vulnerable to the portrayal and textual messages in media because they are regularly exposed to them. Scientific research reveals that in cognitive learning, the individual learns by listening, watching, touching, reading or experiencing and then processing and remembering the information. (Think Quest, 2008). Theory of cognitive learning essentially implies that through various means of learning processes, people are able to retain the information in the memory and apply it as and when required. The theory becomes highly relevant when applied to media portrayal of gender roles. The impact of those visuals and the textual contents are reflected in the behavioural pattern of the people who consciously or unconsciously adapt the messages and images in their attitude and behaviour. Thus, role of media become a critical element in setting gender roles within defined societal paradigms. Television is most influential format of media that co nsiderably impacts people’s opinion and promotes diversity of roles that are gender based (Carter, Branston and Allan, 1998). Oprah Winfrey Talk Show is an exemplary example of empowerment of women. In the male dominated society, the rise of Oprah Winfrey, an African American woman is nothing short of a miracle. She serves as the most influential role model for millions of women across the world who has triumphed over social and racial prejudices to emerge as a symbol of woman power. Oprah Winfrey symbolizes empowerment a woman, who has risen above gender and race. Indeed, television has greatly facilitated in promoting empowerment of women as one of the most crucial issues for the wider... This essay "How important is the media in setting gender roles?" outlines how different forms of media portrays both gender and their gender roles. The general image of women has also got a great boost from the media. The news channels, showcasing the pertinent women issues of their empowerment and equal representation in national politics have had huge positive impact on the perception and opinion of general public. It plays a prominent role in the portrayal of women, especially those above fifty years of age. But it can also be said that though women may share almost equal platform on visual media as TV anchors, newsreaders, in general, they have not been given the space and the importance that they deserve. Celebrity status and glamour seem to be the important factor for projecting them in media. Looking at the increasing number of TV soaps and mainstream cinema, one discovers that the appeal for women protagonists invariably decrease with age! There are fewer films and prime time soaps with matured female artistes as main characters. Whereas their counterparts seem to have a new lease of life after fifty years of age! Sean Connery (The Rock, Finding Forester etc.), Richard Gere’ (Chicago, Flock etc.) are few actors who are able to get main lead in cinema, while in their 50s and 60s. Gender bias seems to dominate all areas of media, including news media which is highly retrogressing and demoralising for women professionals. Then again, literature has also a unique way in perpetuating new ideologies and values within the transforming societies.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Perception of Professional Sign Language Interpretation in Saudi Research Proposal

Perception of Professional Sign Language Interpretation in Saudi Arabia - Research Proposal Example This research will begin with the statement that sign language is true and natural language that has existed and develop it in the deaf community. It is the primary language of many individuals who are deaf, such as American Sign Language (ASL), Saudi Sign Language (ASL). The Swiss-German Sign Language (DSGS) was created to strengthen the use of sign language among the German-hearing individuals in Switzerland. In different situations, almost all of the sign language interpreters will have to deal with students or individuals who are deaf. In the process of completing the ASL program in the United States or training programs of DSGS in Switzerland, sign language interpreters can have the necessary qualifications, knowledge and skills needed to become a qualified sign language interpreter within the educational or non-educational settings. As of 2014, the total population in Saudi Arabia has reached 30.62 million. A total of 247,217 individuals within the Arab-region were reported hav ing hearing loss. In Saudi Arabia alone, approximately 100,000 individuals are deaf. Established in 2000, the Association for Hearing Impaired supports the use of sign language in Saudi Arabia. In fact, the Saudi Association of Hearing Impairment came up with a Saudi sign language dictionary to support the learning and teaching experience of students and teachers of Saudi sign language. Which it is encouraging to make a good communication between the deaf and hearing individuals, and find people interested in sign language interpretation in Saudi Arabia.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Gun control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Gun control - Essay Example As the Second Amendment of the US Constitution states, â€Å"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.† (Gardner and Anderson, 232) Therefore, the constitution itself gives the citizens the right to own and carry firearms with them. The size and effectiveness of the weapon must have caused for its spread in the land. The excessive use of gun is a developing tendency among the people in America. The easy availability of gun in America, at present, causes for the increasing homicides, suicides, and other violence and crime in this state. This has led many to think on the gun control policies in America. But still a hot debate on gun rights and gun control is going on in the country. This essay tries to make a study on the disasters that happened in the society by the gun use and further, a research is done on the need for controlling the use of guns by the civilians. The thesi s statement is, ‘The increasing disasters in the American Society caused by gun-use and the need for gun control’. It is very clear that there are a number of problems that are arising day by day by the use of guns. Still it can be seen the government is reluctant to ban the use of guns, and it makes a person puzzled. The history of private ownership of guns in America stresses the need for guns. Both sides of gun control and gun rights are strong in America. The increasing mass killing at various schools and colleges using guns lead government to make new amendments in the constitution in order to control the use of guns by the civilians. Background and Historical Material /Definitions (Literature Review): America is considered to be the strongest nation in the world. It may be the only nation that has not made any control for the private use of guns. Gun was a need for every Americans to defend themselves from the natives of the land. â€Å"Despite their firearms, th e survival of the English colonies often appears highly improbable.† Further the possession of firearms by the settlers enabled â€Å"to arm their enemies with theoretically advanced European weaponry.† (Bellesiles, 112) After the threats were over by the natives in America gun was a mandatory to protect their land. The American government envisaged the need for private ownership of firearms by the civilians. This has led the possession of guns as a constitutional right for the people. It is very easy to purchase a gun in America. The Office of the Attorney General in California gives the procedure to possess a gun in the State as a simple procedure. The person must be 18 years of age to buy a rifle or shotgun. To buy a handgun a person must be 21 years of age and he or she should ‘possess an HSC plus successfully complete a safety demonstration with the handgun being purchased or should qualify for an HSC exemption.’ (Frequently Asked Questions) The spread of guns in America turned from self defense to mass destruction. If an analysis is done, it can be understood that ever since from the widespread of this deadly weapon, many causalities are being occurred day by day in America. The incident that happened in the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, on April 16, 2007 showed the ferocious face of it. A student named Seung- Hui Cho murdered 32 people and attempted to murder 29

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Company Audit for Darden Restaurants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Company Audit for Darden Restaurants - Essay Example For example, the company takes advantage of the contemporary trends in demand towards national cuisine and healthy dining by introduction of the new brands and formats, e.g. Bahama Breeze and Seasons 52. It addresses the growing competition from the other established chain operators, as well as local restaurants, by constant improvement of the operational activities and emphasis on market research and product improvement. Darden Restaurants is a leader in the casual dining market. Its position, however, is constantly challenged by the two closest competitors, namely Applebee's International and Brinker International. Both operators have established position in the hospitality industry and currently operate big chains of company-owned restaurants under Applebee's brand (Applebee's International) and Rockfish, Chilli's, Romano Macaroni Grill, Maggiano's, On the Other Border Mexican Grill brands (Brinker International). The areas of strength include market share, financial position, and advertising. Darden Restaurants Company is leading with regard to the most influential factors, including product quality, management, and market share. However, the company can improve its standing in terms of global expansion, pricing strategy and gaining customer loyalty. The Internal Factors Evaluation Matrix (see below) was constructed to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the functional areas of the Darden Restaurants Company. The strengths and weaknesses are chosen based on how they affect the ability of the chain to take advantage of the external opportunities and limit or control the risks. Internal Factors Evaluation Matrix (IFE) Key Internal Factors Weight Rating Weighted Score Internal Strengths Financial position (revenues and net income) .15 4 .60 Steady growth for several years in revenues and EPS .10 4 .40 Marketing research .10 4 .40 Constant brand

Friday, August 23, 2019

Group Leadership Project Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Group Leadership Project Reflection - Essay Example Prior to the start of this assignment, it is essential to define leadership. Leadership put in simple terms, according to Susan Ward (Concepts of leadership, 2011) â€Å"is a process by which a person influences the behavior of his subordinates for succeeding towards a goal or objective and directs the team in a manner that makes it more consistent and logical†. But it can be said without creating a trace of doubt in anybody’s mind that Leadership is that quality summed up in a person who has the power to make or remake the workings, and the ideals of any group of people, be it large or small, political or business. This gives rise to many questions and this research paper will employ precisely these points in answering those questions: †¢ Leader and Follower roles †¢ What worked well? †¢ Leader’s effectiveness / efficiency †¢ Follower’s effectiveness / efficiency †¢ How and what were the roles developed. †¢ How dynamic / static the group were †¢ Power culture and structure †¢ Leadership style †¢ How conflicts were handled and decisions made Women and Business Leadership †¢Leader and follower roles: history is evident of the face that women have more often than not suffered from the very well-established male-dominate societies and businesses. In short, the male-superiority power. Even now in so many countries of the world, especially the third-world countries, women are beaten and thrown in dark rooms. This has given men the nerve to regard women as the followers and not as the leaders. Nevertheless, the women of today have fought tooth and nail to change that ideal and establish themselves also as the leaders. They have same or even better qualifications as men.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Was Alexander II more successful than Alexander III Essay Example for Free

Was Alexander II more successful than Alexander III Essay Was Alexander II more successful than Alexander III in coping with the problems he inherited? During the reigns of both Alexander II and Alexander III both faced significant problems. Both rulers inherited some similar problems when they ascended to the throne for example both faced significant opposition, albeit in different forms. For example, at the time of Alexander II’s ascension to the throne opposition was disparate and far away from what it was by the time he was succeeded in 1881 by Alexander III. Problems regarding domestic policy were also inherited by both Tsars as well as problems on the international stage posing difficulties. It would seem that the more successful of the two leaders in dealing with these problems would be Alexander III as he managed to crush the opposition he faced surviving his reign unlike his father as well as being adept at dealing with international issues. The opposition faced was a serious problem that was faced by both Alexander’s. Opposition to Alexander II was largely based on discontent from the serfs and peasantry that had been festering before he came to power. For example there were 1468 serf uprisings since the turn of the century. This group of the population were seen as potentially dangerous to the regime within Russia and as a result Alexander II recognised there was need for change. As a result he set about with the drafting of the Emancipation Act using the nobility to do it. While he did sympathise with the serfs the reason behind the eventual introduction of this act was to uphold the fundamental principles of Tsarism, these being autocracy, orthodoxy and nationalism. Though this reform was meant to drastically improve the position of the serfs, it instead made their situation worse in many cases. This undoubtedly created more grievances on behalf of the, now, ex serfs. This growing discontent coincided with the emergence of an intelligentsia from the middle class. The intelligentsia were starting to become more organised forming early groups such as the Nihilists and then Populists. These groups were beginning to actively show their discontent at the limited reforms Alexander II had introduced would eventually result in the formation of the People’s Will, the group responsible for the assassination of Alexander II himself on 1st March 1881. It can thus be seen that Alexander II did not successful cope with the opposition he faced. In contrast it can be argued that Alexander III was successful in coping with the problem of opposition. The situation he had inherited in this regard was much worse than that of his father. Opposition had become much more dangerous to the regime in the years between 1855 and 1881 clearly highlighted as they ended Alexander II’s reign. The assassination of the Tsar generated a mass of insecurity and a determination to crush the opposition on behalf of the new Tsar. The creation of the Okhrana was almost immediate; this was essentially a police force that aimed at data collection on political offenders and infiltration of terrorist organisation. This came alongside the policy of Russification which forced the Russian on language onto those of foreign nationality and made the principle of Russian nationality fundamental to life within the country. The Okhrana were dedicated to enforcing religious, racial and national orthodoxy as well as restricting various parts of the population i.e. writers, teachers, Jews etc. As a result any opposition to Alexander III’s reign was suppressed. It would appear that the measures he introduced allowed him to successful cope with this opposition unlike Alexander II whose reforms caused opposition to develop further. Alexander II came to the power with the backdrop of the Crimean War in 1855. This war had highlighted the various incompetency’s of Russia as a nation, making them appear weak and backward in comparison to the Western European nations. As a result Alexander II saw the need for the introduction of reforms to bring Russia up to date with the West. Aside from the aforementioned Emancipation Act there were various other reforms. He decided that the country needed to develop on an industrial level. In order to do this Alexander II drew up plans for a massive investment in railways. The emancipation, he hoped, would lead to greater agricultural output, in order to finance the railways, and the beginnings of Russias industrialisation. He also invested in new iron and steel works for armaments and new manufacturing industries. However these plans never came to fruition during his rule with the dissatisfaction amongst the serfs playing a key part to this. Though he may have not been successful in this area the creation of Zemstvos as well as changes to the legal system and education on the surface appeared to bring Russia up to date with Western Democracies. The Zemstovs allowed people to have more representation at a local level, they were places where people could go to express opinions. The development of education and legal reforms also appeared as though the regime was becoming more liberal and to a certain extent this was true as people enjoyed greater freedom in society and thus showed distinct improvement in modernising Russia. On the other hand the rule of Alexander III can be seen to not offer such modernisation. Though he was successful he in introducing a large system of railways across Russia, most notably the Tran Siberian system these were largely following the plans of his father. On a more social level the repression experienced under Alexander III was somewhat archaic and was a step in the completely wrong direction. The persecution of the Jews was most horrific, they were forced to live in restricted areas and only a limited number were allowed in education. There were even Jewish Pogroms which occurred when gangs of people violently attacked Jewish people. This added to the state interference through the Okhrana mean that Russia had moved away from modernising rather than towards it under Alexander III. In this way Alexander II was more successful in coping with the problem of modernising Russia through domestic policy. A final problem both leaders faced were the issues taking place on the international stage. While the Crimean war had resulted in a need for domestic change it to had required Alexander II make changes to the army after being humiliated. Universal conscription was eventually introduced in 1874. This pointed the way to a large scale armed force with six year service and a long length of time in reserve this replaced the outdated old-fashioned system which had basically seen a serf army. Russia now looked to be on the path to developing a modern army on the Prussian model. However the Russo-Turkish 1877-1888 war saw the limitations of the army with the diminishing Ottoman Empire not being overrun by the new Russian army. Although they made gains in several areas they took a huge financial hit and had been isolated from the other European superpowers as they allied together. When Alexander II came to power he thus inherited these problems. He however was much more adept at dealing with international affairs than his father and predecessor was. Alexander III proved to be quite the negotiator gaining the title of â€Å"Alexander the Peacemaker†. He aimed at avoiding war at all costs and was tolerant of Otto von Bismarck, a conservative German statesman who dominated European affairs from the 1860s to his dismissal in 1890. Bismarck had a quite belligerent attitude towards Russia, and Alexander II was able to revive the ancient league of 3 emperors in 1884. During his reign as Tsar Alexander had managed to avoid war and create some kind of international security whereas under Alexander II Russia still seemed vulnerable as a result the problems inherited on the international stage were handled more successfully by Tsar Alexander III. In conclusion, it can be seen that Alexander III was more successful than Alexander II in coping with the problems he inherited. Although Alexander II’s handling of domestic policy and modernisation was superior, Alexander III’s ability to successfully get rid of opposition, through things methods such as the Okhrana, and his handling of the international situation make it clear that he was the more successful Tsar in coping with the problems he inherited.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Divorce - Cause and Effect Essay Example for Free

Divorce Cause and Effect Essay Before a marriage is fully â€Å"matured† 3 out of 10 fail and resort in a divorce. No child want’s to hear the word divorce mentioned by their parents, little alone the other spouse. Many now a days seek divorce as an â€Å"easy way out,† given that they have an annulment. Some may even cheat the system and get married for the spouses money, title, or objects. The marriages that are there just for show, don’t tend to last as long and become unhappy. In a marriage anything can go wrong from bad communication, cheating, and abuse. Fyodor Dostoyevsky, once a Russian novelist said, â€Å"much unhappiness come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid.† The number one reason marriages end is because of the lack of communication in the relation, according to Huffington Post. There are five main instances where a lack of communication can affect the marriage. The first one, is hiding your feelings. If youre having a heated conversation with your spouse but keeping in feelings or problems then where is your relationship going to go? Oh I can help, nowhere. The next type is bodily or physical. Simply rolling your eyes, walking away from the conversation, shrugging your shoulder, or even the lack of eye contact can push someone away. A â€Å"win-lose attitude† is one of the most aggravating things for someone to do, personally. If someone always says, â€Å"it wasn’t me,† if theyre judgemental or a very negative person it can agitate you and even bring you down. Lastly a lack of politeness can make someone feel underappreciated. If you continuously do something for someone and they correspond in a uncaring manner you will tend to feel over time like you don’t matter. The simple command, like â€Å"take the dog out,† can seem abrasive. Theyre no such thing as over kindness, if someone does something nice for you, you can just simply correspond with a â€Å"thank you.† â€Å"Thank you honey,† any house wife, or husband would love to hear of their spouse. Just by keeping the â€Å"spark† between you and your spouse lite can help keep them interested in you, instead of others. Infidelity is the cause for 53% of a divorce. Only 31% of marriages last after a cheating incident, and a whopping 53% of relationships are cheated. Isn’t it ironic though how psychiatrists and marriage counselors are the top two professions for the divorce rate. you would think since they work with helping marriages, that theyd have a lower chance, I guess not in this case. Many events can lead to infidelity. After the first year in the marriage there is the same  habitual activities every day where the cheater may feel like they need something new in life, which is when someone may first turn to cheat. Having a child is a huge factor, it’ll affect the relationship no matter what you have done. The stress of having to completely care for another human being can affect you mentally, and some feel like they want to go out and have an adventure, but they turn to the wrong activity when that happens. When it comes to the 5th to 7th year, also known as â€Å"the seven year itch.† By this time most couples may have obtained the â€Å"american dream,† but they start to become bored and unhappy, so they turn to something new, to change things up. Then there’s the mid-life crisis. Generally around this time you’ve spent 20 years with the person, but youre just not quite sure that another 20 you want to be with the person. These instances are generally the reasons which fuels someone to cheat. It’s not always the case, but these are the times when infidelity is started. Just picture 5 million women, which is just a quarter of women in a marriage. That mere 25% is the percentage of women that have been in a abusive relationship. There’s six different way abuse can happen, the following are: physical, emotional, verbal, economic, mental, and sexual.Why do they do it? They seek to control their spouse. Emotional, mental, and verbal is generally how it starts, but then it can progress to sexual and economic. It can be hard for These types of abuse though don’t always pertain to the spouse, it could be happening to a child or children of the couple. To say divorce only affects the two joined in holy matrimony is an unstatement. The children, friends, family, everyone thats connected to the two can be effected. As a child that has divorced parent, since I was two, can say it still affects me. I have to figure out a time during break when I can go that doesn’t conflict too much with my sports, I barely get to see my dad, and it’s hard to see my mom work and earn all of the money, by herself for us. So if you don’t want your marriage to end try to keep good communication a priority, whatever you do don’t cheat, and be sure to check if youre being or are abusive, so you can get help to work on it. Sources Facts, Infidelity. â€Å"Infidelity Facts and Information.† Infidelity Facts. n.d. 27 March 2014. Pave, Project. â€Å"6 Types of Abuse.† Just for Teens. n.d. 27 March 2014. Post, Huffington. â€Å"Divorce Causes: 5 Communication Habits That Lead To Divorce.† November 29, 2012. HuffPost. 27 March 2014.

Detecting Spam Zombies by Monitoring Outgoing Messages

Detecting Spam Zombies by Monitoring Outgoing Messages Abstract: Compromised machines are one of the key security threats on the Internet. They are often used to launch various security attacks such as spamming and spreading malware [15]. Given that spamming provides a key economic incentive for attackers to recruit a large number of compromised machines, we focus on the detection of the compromised machines in a network that are involved in the spamming activities, commonly known as spam zombies [12]. Introduction: As the use of internet increased in the era of science and technology the problem of spam has also been increased. There are multiple ways in which spam takes place we would like to discuss the spam that is passed through messages specifically through emails. When these spam mails are passed into the system these makes the system compromised and the data in the network can be stolen or lost these kind of spamming is more concern to the industry or any kind of organization where privacy is the key aspect in this competitive world. Spam: Spam can be defined as Simple Pointless Annoying Messages. According to US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) spam is defined as, any commercial electronic mail message sent, often in bulk, to a consumer without the consumers prior request or consent [1]. A recent study conducted by SMX an email security provider the percentage of spam is about 80% approx. And the average size of these spam messages in 16 Kb [2]. The results above indicate the seriousness of the problem. There are several techniques proposed and employed in filtering these spam messages such as Machine learning techniques like Neural networks(NN), Support Vector Machines(SVM), Naive Bayes Classifier. Some techniques are based on probability and others on architectural. According to Anil Kumar Gupta along with two others in his research paper stated that training SVM is easy compared to NN because NN takes more time to train than SVM and NN will not offer binary classification mechanism where has SVM does that technique t o verify the legitimate of the email [2]. Rafiqul Islam in his research proposed an architecture for spam filtering based on support vector machine [3].   T. Hamsapriya along with three others in 2014 proposed Filtered Bayesian Learning technique to increase the performance of the naÃÆ' ¯ve Bayes classifier. These all techniques have contributed in controlling spam to very much extent [4]. Spam Zombies: A machine is said to be compromised if it is successfully exploited by the attacker. These machines are used to launch various attacks in the network. These compromised machines are called zombies. The machine is made compromised when an attacker sends a spam mail to the targeted system and made a zombie [5]. Spam in Messages: Todays communication mostly happening through messages that are sent electronically through email or text messages in mobile. Our main concentration is confined to messages that are going out through a network and coming into the network that are emails. Body message based spam detection is employed in larger servers but in a research conducted by Shukor Bin Abdul Razak in 2013 showed that the feature can be manipulated and has several issues such as Manipulation of lexical patterns, efficiency, future trends. So he proposed an email header technique that has a potential in filtering spam efficiently [6]. In 2015 Wazir Zada Khan along with three others stated that the detection criterion for web spam is substantially different, so, the email spam coming from botnets cannot be handled by the web spam detection techniques. Then they proposed architecture for email spam botnet detection [7]. Algorithm:  ­Ã‚ ­SPOT detection algorithm is used to detect spammers. Before proposing SPOT detection techniques there are few works which happened in detecting spam zombies. S. Yuvaraj in 2013 came up with a four module system which consists of compose mail process, Filter spam detect, IP capture, Extraction of payloads and payload disassembly and this algorithm is called has semantic aware statistical algorithm (SAS) [8]. But this algorithm fails to catch spammers but detects spam zombies. The research also proposed algorithms in the field of botnet which is usually called a group of computers affected with malware and controlled without the notice of administrator. To control these botnets issues Guofei Gu from Georgia institute of technology came up with bot hunter based on correlation between inbound and outbound communication. This system also uses intrusion detection system(IDS) to find out the compromised machines in the network [9]. Later in 2008 again Guofei Gu along with Wank Lee p roposed another technique called botsniffer in which he extended his research in detecting compromised servers depending on the behavioral similarity in a single group of connected computers [10]. After all these works with different techniques people came up with standard algorithm called SPOT applied in detecting spam zombies which functions by monitoring outgoing messages in the network. Z. Duzan in 2009 proposed an algorithm using Sequential Probability Ratio Test(SPRT) depending on the mathematical value of the SPRT the email is as spam or not spam [11]. But he ignored the impact of dynamic IP address on the data which is considered for analysis. His research is as limitations since the algorithm is based on probability analysis and the messages arrived assumed to independent of each other but this may not be the practical scenario. Spam filters are used to detect the spam emails but these filters are not 100 percent efficient. Later in 2012 Pen cheng along with Z.Duzan modifie d his algorithm they introduced two more terms   called count threshold   and percentage threshold to calculate the impact of dynamic IP address[12]. In continuation to the work of Z. Duzan, Ar. Arunachalam along with his two students in 2013 added two more modules and applied Z. Durzan techniques in calculating the impact of dynamic IP address to entire system by adding user interface module and spam zombie detection module where he has reset the values of the captured spam emails continuously [13]. Similar work has been done by R.Vasanth Kumar and K. Ravi Kumar in 2013 they modified the existing algorithm using the IP address of the sending machine and introducing a new term called message index[14].   Parvathi Bhadre and Deepthi Gothawal in 2014 proposed a new method using SPOT detection algorithm consisting of four modules namely virus checks, Spam Checks and Spam filter, blocking of spammers using SPOT and Recovery [15]. But their research does not talk any thing about the impact spam mails generated using dynamic IP address. In 2015 Anupsingh Thakur and Prof.Praful Sambhare conducted a survey on spamming and detection control through various methods like SVM, Domain key integrated mail system(DKIMS) and SPOT detection system defined how SPOT is accurate in detecting Spams [16]. Conclusion: Brief review on spam, spam zombies, spam in messages, algorithm used and the previous works done are explained. We in our project intending to come up with improved algorithm that could effectively tackle the limitations of the previous works. References: D. C. Washington, Unsolicited commercial e-mail before the SUBCOMMITTEE ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS, TRADE AND CONSUMER PROTECTION of the COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, 2013. [Online]. Available: Accessed: Mar. 3, 2017. A. G. Kakade, P. K. Kharat, and Anil Kumar Gupta, Spam filtering techniques and MapReduce with SVM: A study, 2014 Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Aided System Engineering (APCASE), vol. 14666087, pp. 59-64, Feb. 2014. R. I. M, W. Zhou, and M. U. Choudhury, Dynamic Feature Selection for Spam Filtering Using Support Vector Machine, 6th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2007), vol. 9864217, Jul. 2007. H. T, L. S. P, K. R. D, and R. C. M, SPAM CLASSIFICATION BASED ON SUPERVISED LEARNING USING MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUES, ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology, vol. 02, no. 04, pp. 457-462, Dec. 2011. A. Rajagopal and A. P. P, SPOT- e-mail Spam zombie detection system, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 664-669, Jan. 2012. [Online]. Available: Accessed: Mar. 3, 2017. S. Bin Abd Razak and A. F. Bin Mohamad, Identification of spam email based on information from email header, 2013 13th International Conference on Intellient Systems Design and Applications, pp. 347-353, Oct. 2014. W. Z. Khan, M. K. Khan, F. T. Bin Muhaya, M. Y. Aalsalem, and H.-C. Chao, A comprehensive study of Email Spam Botnet detection, IEEE Communications Surveys Tutorials, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 2271-2295, Jul. 2015. Y. M. S. S., An effective defense against compromised machines by sas worm detection, International Journal of Computer Science and Management Research, pp. 33-37, 2013. G. Gu, P. Porras, V. Yegneswaran, M. Fong, and W. Lee, BotHunter: Detecting Malware Infection Through IDS-Driven Dialog Correlation, 16th USENIX Security Symposium, pp. 167-182, 2007. G. Gu, W. Lee, and J. Zhang, Botsniffer: Detecting botnet command and control channels in network traffic, Proceedings of The 15th Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS 2008), Feb. 2008. Z. Duan, P. Chen, F. Sanchez, Y. Dong, M. Stephenson, and J. Barker, Detecting Spam Zombies by Monitoring Outgoing Messages, IEEE INFOCOM 2009, 2009. Z. Duan, P. Chen, F. Sanchez, Y. Dong, M. Stephenson, and J. M. Barker, Detecting Spam zombies by monitoring outgoing messages, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 198-210, Mar. 2012. A. Ar, V. V, and Y. V, Detecting Spam Zombies Using Spot Tool by Monitoring Outgoing Messages, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 400-402, Apr. 2013. V. kumar R and R. K. K, Recognizing Spam Zombies by Monitoring leaving Messages, International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science, vol. 2, no. 11, pp. 3213-3216, Nov. 2013. P. Bhadre and D. Gothawal, Detection and blocking of spammers using SPOT detection algorithm, 2014 First International Conference on Networks Soft Computing (ICNSC2014), pp. 97-101, Aug. 2014. A. Thakur and P. Sambhare, Spamming and Detection Control: A Survey, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH IN EMERGING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 155-157, May 2015.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Albert Einstein Essay -- Biography Biographies

Albert Einstein Albert Einstein (1879-1955) is believed to be the greatest scientist of the 20th century. He developed many theories that led to many breakthroughs. With his well-known famous look, the white messy hair and the absent-minded look on his face, he was the perfect example of the typical scientist. Einstein became internationally renowned as a leading scientific thinker and as an accomplished mathematician. His contributions to science have left a lasting impression throughout the universe. Albert Einstein was a highly intelligent man who earned many honors and accomplishments. Born into a Jewish family at Ulm, Germany on March 14, 1879, Einstein spent his youth in Munich, where his father, Hermann and his uncle, Jacob Einstein, owned a small shop that manufactured electric machinery. His mother encouraged him to study music, but it was his Uncle Jacob who inspired his fascination for mathematics. As a youth, he showed a brilliant ability to understand difficult mathematical concepts. In 1895, Einstein failed an exam that would have allowed him to study for a diploma as an electrical engineer in Zurich. Following the failing of the entrance exam, Einstein attended secondary school at Aarau and planned to use this route to enter the school in Zurich. In 1900, he succeeded with his plan graduating as a teacher of mathematics and physics. For two years Einstein worked as a tutor and substitute teacher. In 1902, he secured a position as an examiner in the Swiss Patent Office in Bern. Einstein married Mileva Maric in 1903, a classmate of his, and they had two so ns named Hans Albert and Edward. However, the outbreak of World War I made him separated from his family and him and his wife divorced in 1919. Einstein late... ...arted preparing for death by drawing up his will in 1950. One week before his death, Einstein signed his last letter. It was a letter in which he agreed that his name should go on a manifest urging all nations to give up nuclear weapons. Albert Einstein died during his sleep April 18, 1955 in Princeton after many years of bad health. "Albert Einstein ranks with Galileo and Newton as one of the great conceptual revisers of our understanding of the universe," Jonas Maxe. All of his life Albert Einstein devoted himself to the world not only with his scientific accomplishments, but his political and social causes as well. It is amazing that the one person who gave us the conceptual understanding of the universe made his last act before death a plea for international peace. Albert Einstein contributed to the world lasting meaning and will always be remembered by that.

Monday, August 19, 2019

What is the Purpose of the War on Terror? Essay -- Terrorism Essays

The War On Terror. It is a name that brings many strong thoughts and emotions to mind for Americans still to this today. It is has been Americas longest war, most expensive war, and a deadly conflict. All in all, the Iraqi War from 2003 to 2011 brought a cost of 500,000 lives from civilians to militants (Vergano 1). Among the U.S. army alone it is estimated that around 900,000 veterans have had some form of injury ranging from PTSD to amputations (Ruis 1). Not to mention, many experts say once all war reparations have been paid the war will cost upwards of three trillion dollars (Broder 1). That means when the math is done, if the war cost were to be split evenly among all American households, than every family in the U.S. would have to pay $75,000 (Auken 1). When President Barack Obama was campaigning in 2008 he once argued that through various taxes the Iraqi War (2003-2011) was and is costing each America household over $100 a month (Broder 1). With such catastrophic cost and toll s of the thousands of innocent lives where can the foundations for such a war effort begin? Throughout the years many eyebrow-raising statements have been brought up concerning the war, which quickly begins to make any war effort basis appear shallow and weak. Peter Baker, a former White House correspondent, wrote a book in which an anonymous senior Bush administration official is quoted saying, â€Å"The only reason we went into Iraq, I tell people now, is we were looking for somebody’s ass to kick.† In addition, General John Abizaid, a former head of U.S. Central Command and Military Operations in Iraq for 2007 said, â€Å"Of course it's about oil; we can't really deny that," in and interview with CNN (Juhasz 1). With such startling statements over the years... ...heridan, Kerry. "Iraq Death Toll Reaches 500,000 Since Start Of U.S.-Led Invasion, New Study Says." The World Post. HPMG News, 15 Nov. 2013. Web. 04 Mar. Swanson, David. "You're More Likely to Be Killed by a Toddler than a Terrorist." Washington's Blog. Washington Post, 12 June 2013. Web. 23 Mar. 2014. Staff, CNN. "Bin Laden's Death: How the Story Unfolded." CNN. Cable News Network, 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 05 Mar. 2014. Gipe, Paul. "For the Price of the Iraq War, The U.S. Could Have a 100% Renewable Power System." Washingtons Blog. Washington Blogs, 11 Apr. 2013. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. Templeton, Tom. "9/11 in Numbers." The Observer. Guardian News and Media, 17 Aug. 2002. Web. 21 Mar. 2014. Vergano, Dan. "Half-Million Iraqis Died in the War, New Study Says." National Geographic Daily News. National Geographic Society, 15 Oct. 2013. Web. 04 Mar. 2014.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Internet and Research Essay -- Analysis Research Internet Essays

Internet and Research According to The Disappearance of Technology, by Bruce and Hogan, â€Å"(technological) tools become commonplace. Each literacy technique goes from unfamiliar to familiar, from visible to invisible.† Proof of this can be seen through even just one person, as he begins life prior to the house-hold computer, and witnessed the changes as the Internet become main stream, and finally to his uses of technology today while attending law school. To begin a research analysis on Brian Petrano’s literacy eco system, one must first analyze the beginnings of his technological life. At his current age of 25, he has only been exposed to computers and the Internet for about fifteen years. Of course, this means his experience with computers coincides with the initial stages of the home computer evolution. While in his sophomore year of high school, he began to assist a librarian, Mrs. Rulon. She eventually exposed him to the potential of the Internet and its abilities as a resource, along with the capabilities of the computer beyond a simple word processor. This was the beginning of his technological life. â€Å"You can learn anything,† Brian discovered, â€Å"and the name they gave it is exactly right, it is a ‘web’ that can branch off on whatever you are researching.† From this point, Brian has been all consumed with the possibility of the World Wide Web as a research tool. For Brian, a composition tended to be a culmination of literary works found on the Internet. Especially now, he has little use for creating new works. On the contrary, he typically researches in-depthly and pulls together the most important aspects found, into one article with Brian’s tone. Through the years, he has seen himself grow from visiting the..., with the Internet as his main resource. Lately though, things have seemed to change. The Patriot Act has him worried about the freedom of computers and the Internet. â€Å"I appreciate it, because so far, it is not censored. The free market place of idea and thought is what this country is founded on. It may be our downfall, but is paramount, and so important.† In the end, Brian has complete respect and admiration for technology, specifically the Internet, and the ease it offers him. His life has come to depend on it as it grows before his eyes. The old days of card catalog technology seem even humorous to him, â€Å"I remember helping Mrs Rulon organize the card catalog and thinking, ‘there has to be a better way then this.’† There is, and in the future there we will probably look back at the Internet of today and laugh while wondering how we ever functioned with it.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

P1 Unit 4 Health and Social Level 3

Childhood The childhood development of the individual followed the normal development patterns that are expected. In the childhood stage the individual development changed rapidly and their ability to be active and learn new skills improves on a daily basis. During childhood a child will grow steadier compared to an infant. A child’s body and organs size grows at a steady pace. By the age of 6 a child’s head will be 90% of a full adult size even though the rest of a child’s body has a lot more to grow and to develop. Related essay: Unit 4 M1: Health and Social Care, Level 3 Child Care Level 2 AssignmentsUntil a child reaches late childhood, and entering adolescence, an individual’s reproductive organs are still not fully developed. Infants and children can suffer from delayed development. This could cause potential effects and risks on a person’s development. This can happen in the first 5 years of a child’s life and this can be cause by brain damage, poor or no interaction with care givers, diseases, learning or behavioural disabilities, visual or hearing disabilities. The factors mentioned can cause a child to suffer from delayed development.Emotional and social development in a child will change a huge amount due to their change in their daily routine when they going into education and they aren’t around their family as they are used to within infancy. From age 4-9 years old is the first social learning of social development in a child. From a young age, young child ren are emotionally attached and dependent on their care givers. The change within the introduction of school and social environments can be a struggle for some children to understand.For emotional development the key skills within childhood are understanding self and other, and is a focus within development in schools to ensure that children are aware of who they are the differences within society and other people. Imagination is used a lot in children they use it to begin to understand social situations and roles within life. Relationships within the family become more important and the child begin to have a greater understanding of feelings and emotions and are now able to talk about these feelings and have an understanding of what they mean.My client Dylan followed the normal development patterns that are expected in the childhood stage. He continued to grow and he became the tallest in his class at school. His motor skills come a lot more complex, he was learning to ride a with out stabilizers and by the age of four was able to ride his bike without stabilizers without falling off. He enjoyed playing football with friends and also really enjoyed going swimming. Dylan didn’t suffer from any delayed development and continued to grow at a normal rate through to adolescence.Dylan really enjoys going to school and his favourite subjects are science and music. He doesn’t have problems at school with learning new thing. He is really good at science and when at home Dylan also has an app that he is able to use to help with his science a little bit more. Dylan has 6 friends at school and 2 of them are his best friends. He is also really close to his dad. At school Dylan never falls out with his friends. He loves spending time with his dad and also is quite close with his sister there all enjoy going out for bike rides. Dylan doesn’t attend any after school clubs or any clubs in school time.Dylan shows his emotions so that his parents can tell w hat is wrong with him. He is now also beginning to learn to cope with their emotions so he can tell people how he is really feeling. Adolescence In the adolescence stage, individuals begin to start puberty, for an average girl this is ages 11 to 13 years old, but it varies and some may begin earlier and some may be developing late. Generally girls start puberty before boys who often start between 13 to 15 year olds. Puberty is a developmental stage which prepares the body for sexual reproduction.It is triggered by hormones and causes different changes for both girls and boys. Girl’s sexual development involves the starting of periods and the increase of emotions occurring. The formal operational stage of Piaget’s theory applies to an adolescences intellectual development which states that ‘The child begins to behave like an adult within this stage. They are going through transitions in intellectual development and the process and transition of primary to secondar y education. ’ There are various intellectual skills that an adolescent will learn within this life stage.When in the adolescent life stage, the emotional development norms for an individual is to learn their personal identity and they must leant about who they are about how to control their emotions within the change of puberty. Low self-esteem and confidence issue is often something most teenagers struggle with. With adolescence secondary learning occurs, a person’s self-worth can change within this life-stage due to the social situations that an individual had to be within, also their use of clothing, language and religion etc. The introduction of hormones can often change how teenagers see themselves.Adolescent’s independence that they go through can affect their social and emotional development. My client Stacey had her first period when she was 13. She didn’t suffer any physical or mental problems when she first started her periods. Stacey had to mo ve to a new secondary school because of her old school closing down. She enjoyed doing maths and health and social care; she was also really good at health and social care. Stacey gained lots of good qualifications to leave school with. She didn’t have any problems with the teachers or pupils but she had a problem doing science because she couldn’t get the hang off it.She planned her future while she was at school so she could get an idea of the qualification that she would require. Stacey also knew what she wanted to be when she left school, she said that she would like to become a midwife. She left school 2 years ago and went back to do another 2 years of sixth form to do health and social care and English to try and get some more qualifications. Stacey didn’t have any conflict at home with her parents. All of her family relationships are good but they have had their ups and downs. Stacey is very popular at sixth form and she had got some best friends which sh e can trust with all of her problems.She had a few groups of different friends which she can be herself around. She doesn’t have any peer influences. Adults You adults are often at peak of physical performance between the ages f 18-30. Older adults tend to lose stamina and strength as they get older, but these changes are not normally noticeable. There are a huge number of changes that are related to age and they slowly become clearer as and adult gets older. Some people cannot hear a high pitched sound as they reach there later adulthood, along with changes in mobility and hair loss.With older adults, women go through menopause and a change that occurs around the ages of 45-55 year olds is a stop in the menstrual cycle, and a large reduction of eggs within the ovaries. A decrease in progesterone and oestrogen that is produced by the ovaries, which can cause a lack of sexual interest compared to early adulthood. Older adults often gain weight due to many adults still eating t he same size portions as what they did within early adulthood but due to less physical activity taking place there is less need to take in as many calories; this can cause a risk such as diabetes and heart disease.By adulthood an individual has reached their higher training and education and will understand many life skills which will be important to their development within social situations. There are different changes for adults with their emotional development. It is a key task of early adulthood that learning to cope with emotional attachments such as a partner. The social development of an adult remains to keep a strong friendship network, for most people changed in job roles and other critical development issues, adults friendship groups can change however there are strong relationships with family members in many cases.Adults have to adapt their behaviour to arrange their time and commitments between work roles and social groups. My client Sarah told me that she was healthy and fit as a young adult and that she didn’t have any physical problems while in the young stage of her adulthood life. Sarah needs glasses and her hair is now starting to go grey. She didn’t have any physical problems whilst she as in the middle aged stage of her adulthood. When Sarah left school she went to get a job in caring for the elderly. When she got in a job the company sent her for NVQ2 training.She didn’t have any problems with learning new skills for her job. While she was working within the company she was made a senior in the years that she was working for them. Sarah has family and friends relationships. She also went to work parties with her work friends. Her hobbies are reading and swimming. She settled down when she was 17 years of age and also had her first child at 17. Sarah thought that having a child at 17 was a bit difficult but she had family who was supporting her throughout her pregnant and labour and so she coped with it.Sarah doesnâ⠂¬â„¢t have much of a social life due to a child who is 1 year old. She said that some emotional effects are things such as getting old and that 2 of her children have now left home. She also has great relationships with her grandchildren and she also gets along with on her of her eldest children who have left home. Sarah doesn’t have much of a social life now but when it is possible and she has someone to look after her younger children, she goes out and visits older family member, family friends and also old work friends. Piaget – Sensorimotor stage – birth to 1 and half / 2 years old.A child will learn to use senses and muscles without learning language. * Babies are born without the ability to sense objects. * Babies are born with a range of primitive reflexes such as the sucking reflex allowing a baby to feed. * These reflexes lead to motor actions. * The sensorimotor stage is when thinking is limited to sensing objects and performing motor actions. * Piage t believed that a baby would not have a working system for remembering words and phrases until they were about 18 months old. | The pre-operational stage- 2-7 years old.A child will thinking in language without understanding meaning of lexis. * Pre-operational means pre-logical, during this stage Piaget believed children do not understand the lexis that they use. There is no reason to speak words as there is no understanding. * Children can communicate but not with a wide understanding of words and meanings. | The concrete operational stage- 7-11 years old. The child is within school age now and logical thinking is starting to be used within practical situations. * Children can understand logical terms and phrases to gain understanding of social situations. Use of language and social behaviour skills is varied due to the range of social situations the child is within on a daily basis. | The formal operational stage- 11+ years- thinking and using logic and abstract thought processes. * The child begins to behave like an adult within this stage. They are going through transitions in intellectual development and the process and transition of primary to secondary education. * With formal logical reasoning an adult can solve complex situations within their mind. Abstract thinking allows us to think within a sufficient manner to overcome barriers. |

Friday, August 16, 2019

Race and Gender Schemas Essay

A person’s gender schema affects how they treat all other people regardless of age, race, or social position; because we assume that everyone fits into one of two categories: male or female. There are other cultures that do not have a binary gender schema, and allow people to occupy a â€Å"third position† combining traits that Americans would see as male or female. It is unfortunate that gender schemas are so restrictive and create expectations and judgments about people’s authentic selves that can damage the psyche (Valian, 208). As a way to navigate the social world, gender schemas can be important, but like schemas for race and social class, they can reinforce hierarchies that restrict a large part of the population. Below, I will talk about my own gender schema, how I view the gender schema of my society, and how it could be changed to better As media becomes an ever more powerful force in shaping the world’s perception of itself, an individual’s struggle to maintain a unique identity and self-understanding apart from media influence becomes increasingly difficult. Damaging to the idea of the self are the racial, gendered, and class-based stereotypes (always artificial and frequently physically, fiscally, and emotionally unattainable), which are broadly perpetuated and, because of their persistence, are apparently not broadly questioned. The prevalence and power of gender (especially female) stereotypes in the media are addressed in this p My own gender schema has changed radically from when I was younger. I can remember asking my mother â€Å"is that a boy or a girl? about a person whom my mother identified as a woman, but who had a very square, angular face with large eyes. Later, I learned to incorporate larger scale features (curvy hips or breasts; large shoulder-to-waist ratio) into my schema. Although I was raised as a girl and have always looked female (if not always perfectly feminine), I don’t always â€Å"act like a girl† – I am somewhat aggressive when playing sports, I’m not shy about asking questions, and I’m sometimes stoic about my emotions. This reflects my gender schema for males: â€Å"typical men† are aggressive in sports, readily ask questions, and do not express emotions. By contrast, â€Å"typical females† in my gender schema are concerned with their appearance, are not aggressive on the playing field, tend to be shy if they ask questions, usually assume that they are not in a position of authority, and express their emotions freely. My schematic representation of male and female physical features has relaxed slightly since childhood; plenty of the women I was with in high school were more angular than curvy. Even though I grew up in a fairly enlightened part of the world, men and women still used nonconformity to gender stereotypes/schemas to insult each other across group lines (women insulting men for being too female-like; men insulting women for being too male-like). Also, I was more cautious of people who did not fit my gender schema, because these schemas predict behavioral and cognitive tendencies, however unreliably. Although our society has changed significantly even in the past 30 years, gender schemas themselves are still very restrictive. It may be the case that fathers have increased their contribution to childrearing time so little because the gender schema for males still dictates that a man spend the best hours of his day at his job (TenenbaumLeaper, 616). Women are expected to conform to people’s gender schemas by liking children and being caring, sympathetic people – all qualities of good mothers. However, it is never clear that every woman you meet wants to be, or is even capable of being, a mother. Many people still retain a gender schema that does not allow for women in positions of power in the workplace. The industrialized nations’ gender schemas â€Å"support a sexist society by propagating an ideology of an innate and entirely pervasive, sex determined social structure† (Devor, 147). This is as bad for men as it is for women. For every woman passed over for promotion at work because their boss’s gender schema classifies them as a â€Å"mothering type,† unsuited for the fast-paced world of their chosen industry, there is probably a man in a high-pressure job that would like to ask for paternity leave, but doesn’t want to be belittled by â€Å"the guys. From my perspective as a woman, and as someone who has felt pressure to conform to a feminine gender schema, it seems like women get a worse deal if everyone uses the male/female gender schema in which typically-feminine behavior includes letting other people have their way, assuming you are not in a position of authority, and paying more attention to your appearance than your skill set. For gender schemas to change in society at large, gender schemas must change for children. The best way to do this is by exposing children to gender-atypical men and women in an accepting way, expanding children’s gender schemas and symbolically making it acceptable for men and women to be as â€Å"masculine† or â€Å"feminine† as they feel like. Another way to take the claws out of the American gender schema would be to legitimize between-gender roles, either by working towards acceptance of transgendered and transsexual populations or by studying the gender schemas of other cultures as a way to shift our own prejudices about what constitutes â€Å"maleness† and â€Å"femaleness. Shifting our gender schemas will allow people’s inherent strengths and weaknesses, rather than their adherence to stereotypes, to be the most important determinant of how we treat others. Heightened public awareness of both the existence of and potential damage caused by these stereotypes is essential if they are to be eliminated. Frequently, though, they are d ifficult to combat and even to identify because of the ways in which they are presented. Overwhelming amounts of time and energy are devoted to uplifting a small, specially selected portion of the population as models of physical perfection. These individuals are, predominantly, television and movie celebrities, fashion models, and sports figures. The glamorous ways in which these occupations are portrayed by the media are seemingly impossible to separate from the physical appearance of the people who hold them. The glamour that surrounds the media presentation of the lives and careers of these individuals extends, not surprisingly, to the clothes that they wear and the way that they look. In fact, so much attention is given to celebrity appearances that entire television programs are devoted to little else but visual exploitation of celebrity clothing and their tangible products of their latest fad workouts. The media presentation of the celebrity body has a single unifying thread, regardless of the specific job title of a given celebrity. Celebrity bodies are desired, both subjectively and objectively. The media, without question, shapes this public response. It can be argued (and has been, on many occasions) that, because the media portrays celebrities’ bodies as attractive, desirable, and â€Å"good,† they become national symbols of these characteristics. Conversely, bodies that do not meet this lofty goal frequently are, consciously or unconsciously, regarded as â€Å"bad† or ugly. Consider the most recent (and extremely popular) advertising tack used by Subway, the national fast food sandwich chain. Jared,† the protagonist of the recent slew of television commercials, allegedly lost hundreds of pounds while on a diet consisting primarily of the chain’s fare. Jared’s â€Å"before† pictures show him considerably larger than his current size, but they also show him alone, with no friends or family. In stark contrast, however, his â€Å"after† action shots consistently show him not only thinner, but also constantly in the presence of a beautiful woman, presumably his significant other. The advertising message is clear: fat=bad, ugly, unhappy and alone, thin=happy and with attractive partner. Through these commercials, Jared has assumed celebrity status, solely on the basis that his body has changed to approximate more closely the current standard of attractiveness. Sadly, though, there is a severe disconnect between the male and female body types lauded in the media and those of the public at large. A shockingly small minority of the population has the genetic dispensation to match with what the media purports to be attractive. For women, â€Å"desirable† physical characteristics (as they are portrayed in the media) include being thin, long-legged, slim-hipped, and large-breasted. The media-portrayed â€Å"desirable† physical characteristics for men include being muscular and possessing a full head of hair. Some characteristics are portrayed as desirable in both sexes, such as being tall, fit, athletic, young, and light-skinned. In the gap between what is implicitly beautiful in the eyes of the media and the physical reality of the popular majority flourishes a market of â€Å"self-improvement† products and services, ranging from hair dye and makeup to tanning salons, dieting, and plastic surgery. It seems as though nearly everyone, at some point in his or her life attempts to alter him- or herself in a physical way, in order to conform more closely to the marketed â€Å"norm† of attractiveness and desirability. Television, magazines, and newspapers are filled with advertisements promoting self-loathing, while offering â€Å"miracle,† body-altering â€Å"cures. † The body that does not conform to a sexy, sleek stereotype becomes a thing to be hated, improved upon, and generally tortured into submission. A portion of the damage caused by such a mentality is quantifiable, though observation of the huge profits accumulated yearly by various diet programs and plastic surgeons. The harm of this presentation of the human body can also be seen in our current societal epidemic of disordered eating, including anorexia, bulimia, over-exercising, excessive dieting, and over-anxiety over food. While the population subset living with and recovering from disordered eating is still predominately composed of women, the number of men with disordered and dangerous eating habits is on the rise. In addition to physical damage, intangible psychological harm results from body image problems to which the media contributes daily. When men and women are faced with the implication that their bodies, if they fail to conform to an impossibly stringent set of standards, are unattractive, unhealthy, and unlovable, they begin to lose confidence in themselves. The perception that a single, narrow range of body types is acceptable and healthy for men and women is not only in error, but contributes to widespread social discontent. Instead of celebrating the diversity and beauty of the human form, the media stifles our desire to feel comfortable with ourselves in an attempt to fool us into supporting a billion dollar self improvement market, from which the media garners tremendous financial benefits. In addition to (and perhaps more devastating than) the physical and emotional damage caused by the current media-driven obsession with achieving an arbitrary physical â€Å"perfection,† our society faces losing serious social perspective. As it is currently used in the media, the body is stripped of its uniqueness and forced into frustratingly narrow constraints: good/bad and attractive/unattractive. Little or no public attention is given to the countless other factors around which a person’s identity is structured: kindness, generosity, honesty, friendliness, work ethics, personal motivation, intelligence, and spirituality. By focusing too intensely on the physical, our society risks losing sight of the fuller sense of what people are, and what makes us truly beautiful. My LAP is going to talk about a personal experience that I have encountered with a family member. I have a brother who fits the schemas that we have spoke about in class. I feel that my brother has been dealing with identity issues for a long time since his childhood. How do you deal with being something that you don’t feel you are? Being in this class has me see that everything is not black and white. Schemas are just a stereo type and everyone that may be something does not always seem to be the case. Sometimes there are many reasons that people feel that they are a part of a schema it can be caught up in how people act. Many things on TV make people want to try things like being attracted to the same sex. But sometimes it can be what is going on in your environment. Sometimes I feel that I am a part of a schema I am one of the only black females at my job that is around wide variety of Reform Jews and to me I feel sometimes that I am not suppose to be there but I hold my head up high and keep my enthusiasm very high. So schemas are every day and it just does not have to be about sexuality.

Atomic bomb in Hiroshima Essay

The 6th of August 1945 was a day that people will always remember with terror. On this day, an atomic bomb was used by the U.S. against Japan, in the city of Hiroshima. This was the first time in world history. Before this sad event, Japan and the U.S. were having conflicts with each other because Japan tried to invade parts of Europe and the Pacific. In an attempt stop Japanese aggressions, the U.S. decided to stop the sale of war materials, such as iron and oil, to Japan. This angered the Japanese, and after peacetalks failed, the Japanese made a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. After this attack, the U.S. declared war on Japan. The two nations fought until after both Atom bombs were dropped (Ellis, 381-382). Through the orders of U.S. President Harry Truman, 13 sq. km were deserted, 70, 000 of 76, 000 buildings were destroyed, more than 70, 000 people were instantly killed, 122, 000 died later, due to the effects of the bombings, and 246, 000 more were severely injured (Sà ¶hr, 2 ). In this essay I want to explain why I would not have bombed Hiroshima like Harry Truman did, although there might have been several reasons to justify his decision. Trumans main reason for dropping the bomb was that it was necessary to stop the war, since the only other way would have been an invasion of Japan which ,as he believed, would have caused an immense loss of lives on both sides. I believe it was not necessary, since war was already won in Europe, and the U.S. could now focus entirely on the war in the Pacific (Ellis, 381-382). The Japanese would have to surrender sooner or later anyway because the economy and military were totally destroyed, and there was no navy .The US had also set up a blockade that would prevent Japan from receiving any supporting materials, and the air force , or the remainder that still existed, was not able to fight the US-bombers (Sternal, 2). Therefore, there was no possibility for the Japanese to win or continue the war over a long period of time. Because the battle of Guadalcanal showed Truman that the Japanese were not going to surrender easily and would fight to their deaths, he claimed that  the bombing was justified by declaring that the bomb would save more lives than lost by a US invasion of Japan (Long, 2). This statement is only an assumption because nobody knew what the bombs effects were, since this was the first time somebody used it on humans. Another reason why this argument doesn’t justify Trumans decision is because he could not have known how many people would have died due to the fact that there never had been an invasion of Japan yet. Even if he could have known how many people would have died, I seriously doubt that he knew how many people the bomb would have killed as well, again, because this was the first usage of the weapon. Thirdly, even though the Japanese didn’t seem willing to surrender, there were several organisations who promised Japan would surrender if it be guaranteed that the nation should remain with the emperor as the main ruler. The US did not respond to this, but instead made the Potsdamer Declaration , which demanded instant unconditional surrender from Japan. At first the Japanese didn’t react, but on August 10th 1945, the government accepted the declaration and was willing to give in, when the US suddenly decided to accept the demands of the peacefighters in Japan. Through the acception of their demands, the Japanese peace fighters had a good reason to end the war (Long 2), following there was no need to throw the bomb and kill all the people. Another reason why the US dropped the bomb, which is often not mentioned because it displays the US in a â€Å"bad light†, is due to imperial rivalries. Although this attack had no influence on the further development of the war, except that the Japanese surrendered, (which they would have done anyway), it was very significant to the political development of the U.S.. The new weapon showed its main rival, the USSR, that the US had indirectly â€Å"won† the war, and also displayed the new power of the atom bomb. It’s hard to believe that it was a coincidence that the bomb was dropped when Stalin decided to get involved with Japan (Sà ¶hr, 2). Through this the US wanted to make clear to Russia that they were capable of defending their spheres of influence effectively. I think that the US was visioning Russia as a enemy rather than a ally. Truman described the war goals of the US as, â€Å"If we see that Germany  is winning, we should support Russia, but if Russia is winning we should support Germany and through this make them kill each other as much as possible†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Sà ¶hr, 4). This does not only show that Truman didn’t care if Russia or Germany won, but was only interested in how the US benefited the most, which isn’t necessarily bad, but since the U.S. and Russia were suppose to be allies, America should have supported them instead of fighting against them. The US benefited from the atom bomb because now everybody, especially the USSR, knew how powerful they were. After the dropping of the atom bomb, Truman said the following, â€Å"Having found the bomb we have used it. We have used it against those who attacked us without warning at Pearl Harbor, against those who have starved and beaten and executed American prisoners at war, against those who have abandoned all pretense of obeying international laws of welfare†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ( Hiroshima: Was it necessary? 2). In this speech Truman lies. You can not forget that almost all the people in Hiroshima killed and injured by the bomb were civilians and definitely did not fit to his description. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor might have been a surprise, but was not intended to hurt civilians. And again, it was the first time the atom bomb was used, so nobody was informed about the consequences and the Japanese weren’t even warned that they were being used for the first â€Å"mission† of the atom bomb. Since all the above evidence shows me that the decision of President Harry Truman was a mistake, I think it is very sad that not one president has apologized to Japan yet. I believe the bomb was an act of revenge on Japan, rather than an act of necessity, done upon innocent civilians who had nothing to do with the war, but were merely used as â€Å"testing-objects.† The 6th of August 1945, also showed me that nations are able to use atomic weapons to display their power, and it can happen again. What makes the decision wrong, and the main reason why I would have decided differently, was the fact that the bomb was dropped over a city full of innocent people,  who were neither responsible for the actions of the government nor could they influence the treatment of soldiers in prison.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Endorsement Of Esol In The Educational System Of Institutions Essay

English for Speakers of Other Language or ESOL programs are considered one of the most important courses offered by learning institutions today whether on personal basis or through on-line teaching. In this manner, institutions are also encouraged handle ESOL programs to be able to meet the needs of a growing market of people who are expected to speak professional English. Hence, even business administrations are being invigorated to host an ESOL program even for their own employees alone. Many business administrators believe that this step of improvement would naturally bring their company great rewards especially with regards to being globally competitive. However, when it comes to the part of the learning institutions, taking this big step of adjustments towards providing adult students with professional business English basics may not be that easy to imply. Certainly, a certain level of motivation is needed to be able to meet this requirement of the growing market of people who are able to speak English as their second language. The utilization of the right motivation procedure is indeed the key to this factor of needed adjustments especially for the educators. ESOL students come form all ages and all races as well. This is the reason why teaching the said clients of education would not only require professional application of the standard teaching procedures, it also adds up the fact that there is a need for the educators to adjust with the people they are supposed to deal with during the class. They must be bale to recognize the existence of cultural diversity in the class. Thus, this means that the teachers should at least cater to the individual differences of the students as well. What motivation could be applied? Is there any way by which the educators could be moved to get along with the adjustments that are needed for the program? In this regard, the ESOL programs hosted in Toronto shall be examined in this paper. This is especially focused on how the educators were mainly encouraged to adjust themselves with the program and how the said motivations gave fine results for the educating processes of the said state. Problem Statement It has been mentioned earlier that there is a dire need of producing or formulating programs that suits the need of adults and young students as well to learn business English for them to be prepared in facing the real business world later on. Hence, the problem that is to be discussed in this paper is much related on the way that the educators were motivated to make the necessary adjustment for the said program applications. The following are among the questions to be answered: †¢ How could the educators be moved to take advantage of the current need of ‘producing’ students who are able to speak English as their Second Language, thus giving the business industries higher competencies in the future? †¢ How should the educators feel about the progressive teaching strategies that the program requires of them? †¢ Would there be progress in applying the necessary points of consideration in the said program, especially with regards to teaching strategies? These questions shall serve as guidelines for the author of this paper in completing the required data for this assignment. Review of Related Literature As mentioned earlier, it is indeed a certainty that the journals and books used by the author of this study is much related to the issue being discussed. The said journals are to be introduced herein. One of the basic factors of success in any organizational progress is the art of motivation. However, motivational procedures are not that easy to apply especially if the crowd to be dealt with is not that inclined or cooperative in the progress being implied in a specific organization. In this regard, Zoltan Dornyei talks about specific factors of concern especially on the part of the educators when they are dealing with their students. Here are some of the suggestions he mentions: †¢ Be leaders and become role models in class As the educators show their enthusiasm in teaching, the students too are able to have encouragement to learn the language with enthusiasm as well. †¢ Make the Classroom Environment Lively This could include the ability of the educators to encourage their students to speak out their ideas and their thoughts regarding the issues being discussed which should be of interest to the students depending on their age and their races. This would allow the students understand the language they are trying to learn while enjoying sharing their thoughts at the same time. †¢ Be Open to Suggestions from Students The fact that the students also want to have exposure to the language at a certain level, the educators should consider hearing what they want form the class to be able to help them participate more during discussions. This way, they could become more progressive with their studies as the classes continue. Discussions An ample amount of motivation in the Toronto ESOL program offerings have resulted in considerable successful final products. However, the question here is, how much motivation did it take before the educators were convinced to take on the challenges of teaching other races with the ESOL programs that has been formulated for the different institutions to include in their learning programs? Certainly, motivating people to take on the challenges of change is not an easy task. According to Andrew Duffy’s report on Canadian learning institutions, Canada’s failing of a number of students who are studying in the said country has been due to the fact that the seriousness upon the program that the students are ought to learn has not been realized much by the students themselves. As a result, educators handling this type of situation also loose their enthusiasm upon the application of the program, which they ought to offer to their students. This situation then called for much motivational processes on the part of the administrators of the learning institutions. The Motivational Procedures Specifically focusing on the institutions in Toronto, Canada, it has been reported that the staffing of ESOL teachers has been increased in a matter of time to be able to support the existing teaching force with the other educators that are needed to attend the needs of the students in Toronto. Notifying the educators on how to specifically help the students realize what they have to learn about their chosen courses have made so much difference for the reports which were once reported about Toronto. The Toronto Star reports that in a nationwide survey of some 9,000 high school dropouts in Canada, â€Å"three out of every 10 dropouts leave school because of boredom. † Good grades are no indicator that students will stay in school, as over 30 percent of those surveyed had high marks. Jim Livermore, vice president of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation was not surprised. He stated: â€Å"Boredom is more of a factor today than it was 20 years ago because of television. To interest kids everything today has to be glitzy, high tech and showy. † Mr. Livermore feels that some of the brightest minds are not being challenged in school. He added that the â€Å"old way of teaching doesn’t work any more. Rather than lecture-style teaching, we have to get students more involved in learning. † Hence, it has been added in the motivational procedures the educators need to be educate themselves. This education includes teaching strategy enhancement as well as informing the teachers on the real need of the country of having English Speaking citizens. It has been stressed out that the production of students who are able to speak professional business English gives the country a greater chance of being globally competitive, as their employees become world class. Hence, the educators were able to realize the need for the said program. As a result, the educators were motivated to continuously assist their students to becoming highly competent when it comes to using the English language in a professional level. Results of Motivation After the motivational procedures have been implemented, fine results have been received by several Toronto learning institutions. Yes, the application of the learned strategies through the motivational programs, which were commenced, proved to be productive and successful for the students who were able to realize the need for them to progress on their own way. Certainly, it has been observed that much of the motivational tactics that the administrations used for these programs were indeed effective. The motivation that the teachers were able to gain during the training programs has directly affected the way the students view their need to learn their subjects. The fact that the teachers realized the need for the program in their place, the programs became much productive, able to give the students the ample training they need to be able to become competent enough in the usage of the English language. This then helps the Canadian employers to be more at ease as they hire students who were produced by the Toronto learning institutes. Conclusion With the details of ESOL development programs in Canada, specifically in Toronto, listed in this paper, it shows how much motivational procedures aimed towards the educators could contribute so much on the way the students progress in their studies. The effectiveness of the curriculum of English learning offered in institutions of education is highly based upon the enthusiasm of the educators to handle their classes while being able to meet the needs of each of their students. Indeed, teaching students with so much diversity among them is a great challenge to any educator in the learning industry. The consequences though of ample training and motivation with regards to the teaching strategies used by the educators is indeed fruitful and beneficial on the part of the students and the economic growth of the country basing from the competency of the employees produced by the institutions, regardless of the fact that they are native English speakers or not. 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